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Application Case Sharing of Small Volume Integrated Stepper Motor
Zhongling| 2024-03-05| Return

Integrated stepper motorIt is highly favored in various applications due to its compact design and high performance. The following is a case study on the application of integrated stepper motors, demonstrating their advantages in micro devices and precision instruments.



A medical device company has developed a miniature laser surgical instrument for retinal repair in ophthalmic surgeries. This instrument requires a precise and compact driving system to control the positioning and movement of the laser head, ensuring the accuracy and safety of the surgery.

The company has chosen an integrated stepper motor as the driver for laser surgical instruments. This stepper motor features a compact size and highly integrated controller, suitable for applications in micro devices. Its high-precision positioning and stability make it an ideal choice for ophthalmic surgical instruments.

practical application

Accurate positioning and movement: The integrated stepper motor precisely controls the positioning and movement of the laser head through tiny stepper movements, achieving precise repair of the retina.

Minimally invasive surgical operation: Due to the compact design of the stepper motor, laser surgical instruments can achieve more minimally invasive surgical operations, reducing damage and trauma to patients.

Highly integrated control: The controller of this stepper motor is integrated into the motor itself, reducing external connections and components, and improving system stability and reliability.

Safety and stability: The stepper motor has high-precision and stable motion characteristics, ensuring the safety and stability of the surgical process and reducing surgical risks.

Results and Benefits

By adopting an integrated stepper motor as the driver for laser surgical instruments, the medical device company has achieved the following results and benefits:

Improved surgical accuracy: The precise positioning and movement of the laser head make the surgical process more precise and controllable.

Advantages of minimally invasive surgery: The micro design of laser surgical instruments makes the surgical process more minimally invasive, reducing surgical risks and trauma.

Product competitiveness enhancement: The company's micro laser surgical instruments have gained a good reputation and competitive advantage in the market due to their high precision and safety.


The application of integrated stepper motors in micro devices and precision instruments demonstrates their important role and broad prospects in the medical field. This case highlights the advantages of stepper motors in micro drive systems, providing strong support for the future development of minimally invasive surgery and medical technology.

Shenzhen Zhongling Technology is a company dedicated to industrial automation of motors and drives for a long time. It has also launched multiple products in the field of integrated stepper motors. Its products have been recognized and trusted by customers worldwide, and we have always adhered to the concept of continuous innovation to bring the best products to customers. We have a complete research and development sales system to provide customers with the best purchasing experience.


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0755-2979 9302

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Office address:303, 3rd Floor, Building B, Fenghuang Zhigu, Tiezi Road, Xixiang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

Factory address:6th Floor, Building D, Changxing Zhigu Industrial Park, No. 16 Changlong Xinfeng Street, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan City

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